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Version: 2.0 beta

Reason Codes

Whenever a state change event or error is emitted between two clients it will include a reason code with a message which will be included in the list of reasons below:

# 0 (Generic)
code: 0
message: message

# 1000 (Internal)
code: 1000
message: "Missing or invalid ${name}"

code: 1001
message: "Response is required for approved ${context} proposals"

code: 1002
message: "Decrypt params required for ${context}"

code: 1003
message: "Invalid ${context} update request"

code: 1004
message: "Invalid ${context} upgrade request"

code: 1005
message: "Invalid storage key name: ${name}"

code: 1100
message: "Record already exists for ${context} matching id: ${id}"

code: 1200
message: "Restore will override already set ${context}"

code: 1300
message: "No matching ${context} with id: ${id}"

code: 1301
message: "No matching ${context} with topic: ${topic}"

code: 1302
message: "No response found in pending ${context} proposal"

code: 1303
message: "No matching key with tag: ${tag}"

code: 1400
message: "Unknown JSON-RPC Method Requested: ${method}"

code: 1500
message: "Mismatched topic for ${context} with id: ${id}"

code: 1501
message: "Invalid accounts with mismatched chains: ${mismatched_array}"

code: 1600
message: "${context} settled"

code: 1601
message: "${context} not approved"

code: 1602
message: "${context} proposal responded"

code: 1603
message: "${context} response acknowledge"

code: 1604
message: "${context} expired"

code: 1605
message: "${context} deleted"

code: 1606
message: "Subscription resubscribed with topic: ${topic}"

# 2000 (Timeout)
code: 2000
message: "${context} failed to settle after ${timeout} seconds"

code: 2001
message: "JSON-RPC Request timeout after ${timeout} seconds: ${method}"

# 3000 (Unauthorized)
code: 3000
message: "Unauthorized Target ChainId Requested: ${chainId}"

code: 3001
message: "Unauthorized JSON-RPC Method Requested: ${method}"

code: 3002
message: "Unauthorized Notification Type Requested: ${type}"

code: 3003
message: "Unauthorized ${context} update request"

code: 3004
message: "Unauthorized ${context} upgrade request"

code: 3005
message: "Unauthorized: peer is also ${"" | "not"} controller"

# 4000 (EIP-1193)
code: 4001
message: "User rejected the request."

code: 4100
message: "The requested account and/or method has not been authorized by the user."

code: 4200
message: "The requested method is not supported by this ${blockhain} provider."

code: 4900
message: "The provider is disconnected from all chains."

code: 4901
message: "The provider is disconnected from the specified chain."

# 5000 (CAIP-25)
code: 5000
message: "User disapproved requested chains"

code: 5001
message: "User disapproved requested json-rpc methods"

code: 5002
message: "User disapproved requested notification types"

code: 5100
message: "Requested chains are not supported: ${chains_array}"

code: 5101
message: "Requested json-rpc methods are not supported: ${methods_array}"

code: 5102
message: "Requested notification types are not supported: ${types_array}"

code: 5103
message: "Proposed ${context} signal is unsupported"

code: 5900
message: "User disconnected ${context}"

# 9000 (Unknown)
code: 9000
message: "Unknown error${"" || ": ${error_message}"}"